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Aurangzeb had a keen interest in calligraphy

Aurangzeb had a keen interest in calligraphy and was known for his skill in this art form. He had a beautiful and distinctive handwriting style, and his calligraphic works are highly regarded. Although he primarily focused on Arabic script, he also practiced Persian and other scripts.

Aurangzeb's calligraphy was characterized by its precision, elegance, and attention to detail. He often incorporated Quranic verses and religious phrases into his calligraphic compositions. His writings were known for their clarity, balance, and harmonious arrangement of letters.

Aurangzeb's calligraphic works were not limited to manuscripts and decorative pieces but were also found on coins and official documents. He would inscribe his name and titles in a stylized manner on coins, adding an artistic touch to the monetary circulation of the empire.

While Aurangzeb's calligraphic works may not be as widely known or celebrated as those of some other Mughal emperors, they reflect his artistic inclination and dedication to the art of beautiful writing. His calligraphy is a testament to his artistic sensibilities and his appreciation for the aesthetic dimensions of Islamic art and culture.


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