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UP; An animation cinema you like must.

At last find him.
If you see this animation movie your childhood was awesome.!
This movie is about a child and an old man with their air balloon house. Once they flew their house in the air by gas balloon. The house move here to another in the air. Then they saw a airplane of the villain. 
They find a dog and a bird when travelling  The dogs are able to speak here. 
At last they faught with the villain and win the fight.
They achive a new air ship and owned some dog by the fight. But they lost their balloon house. 
The animation movie will touch your heart.


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ধান ক্ষেতে বন্যার পানিতে ভেসে এলো প্রচুর রঙিন মাছ, বদলে গেল যুবকের ভাগ্য

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