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To cancel a TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) certificate, individuals need to follow

To cancel a TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) certificate, individuals need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Visit the appropriate tax zone office for the specific circle where the TIN certificate was obtained.

Step 2: To initiate the cancellation process, individuals must demonstrate three consecutive years of zero returns. This means filing zero income tax returns for three years if no taxable income was earned.

Step 3: Submit an application to the Excise Commissioner at the respective tax circle office while also providing the third-year nil returns. The application should request the filing of the income tax file.

Step 4: If the application adequately explains the reasons and meets all the necessary requirements, the income tax file will be recorded, and the TIN certificate will be canceled.

It's important to note that if someone wishes to obtain a TIN certificate again after canceling it, they will need to reactivate the old certificate. It is not possible to hold two separate TIN certificates for the same individual, and only one TIN certificate can be generated using one National ID (NID) card.


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